Stop Motion Brasil:
Call for entries
V Brasil Stop Motion
Send your film until August 25th, 2015.
Stop Motion Montreal:

Mark your calendars for September 25th, 26th and 27th!
We are very proud to announce our first guest of honour! PES, the director of Fresh Guacamole (2012) will be in Montreal this September for a special presentation at this year's Montreal Stop Motion Film Festival.
PES first forayed into the Stop Motion world with a bang in 2002. His first film Roof Sex (2002) won the best film award at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival in France.
Even in his earliest film, the beginnings of what would eventually make his work so recognizable are abundantly apparent: namely, his sense of humour and the animation of everyday objects. Yes, PES uses everyday objects in his films. But perhaps more than that, he takes everyday objects and makes us see them in a new way. You can never look at an armchair the same after watching Roof Sex.
Since 2002, he has contributed to, created, and directed numerous films, including his trilogy on food. The first film of this series, Western Spaghetti (2008) won an award at the Sundance Film Festival in 2009 and was named second viral video of the year by TIME Magazine. His second, Fresh Guacamole (2012), is the shortest film ever to have been nominated for an Oscar. His latest film, Submarine Sandwich (2014) was partially funded by a Kickstarter campaign that was supported by well over 1,100 donors.
Having contributed to more than 40 films and commercials in the last 15 years, PES has been able to breathe innovative new life into the pixilation technique, films of which are now accepted for official competition of the Montreal Stop Motion Film Festival.
We are very pleased and with great pleasure invite you to a master class given by PES, one of the greatest ambassadors of the technique of pixilation animation.
Por otro lado, indicaros que si vais a estar por México o alrededores en Septiembre, no deberíais perderos la nueva edición de uno de los festivales de animación más molones que han nacido en el último lustro: Pixelalt. Este año tienen como invitados especiales a Mark Osborne, director del nuevo largometraje de El Principite, que auna animación stop motion con CGI, al maestro de maestros, el grandioso Phil Tippett (ya sabéis que por aquí sentimos adoración absoluta por su obra).
Más info: http://elfestival.mx/
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