
viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

Metronomy - The Look (2011)

"The Look" es el últimísimo y genial videoclip de la banda británica Metronomy que fue presentado hace apenas 10 días. La dirección del mismo ha corrido a cargo del italiano Lorenzo Fonda, quien contrató a los animadores de stop-motion Max Winston (I live in the Woods) y John Joyce para realizar tanto los puppets y accesorios como la animación de los planos protagonizados por gaviotas.

Metronomy - The Look from lorenzo fonda on Vimeo.

You're up and you'll get down
You never running from this town
Kinda think you said you'll never get anything better than this
Cause you're going round in circle
And everyone knows you're trouble

Cause you read it in a big book
And now you giving me the look, look
But just remember how we shook, shook
And all the things we took, took

This times the oldest friend of mine

Get up and we get down
We're always running round this town
And to think I said
We'd never make anything better than this

Cause we're always in small circles
And everyone thinks we're trouble

We didn't read it in the big book
(We didn't read it in the big book, big book) (big book)

And now we're giving you the look look
giving you the look car)
Just remember how we shook shook
shook shook, shook shook)

And all the things we took took
took took, took took)
This times, This times)
This times the oldest friend of mine

(This times, This times, this time!)

Si queréis más, tenéis más: Time-Lapse! (siempre me pregunto por qué emboban tanto estos vídeos, ...)

Metronomy "the look" time-lapse from Max Winston on Vimeo.

Max Winston's Quish Stuff
Citoplasmas Blog

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